Beginning iOS Programming Episode 6 - How to Make a Cat Button App

In this episode you'll learn how to make a cat button app. One button, one image, infinite cats.

This project will teach you a number of crucial topics including:

  • interacting with web-services
  • working with images
  • downloading things
  • using a background thread
  • updating the UI on the main thread
  • responding to user actions
  • using activity indicators and much more!

You will need XCode 9 for this tutorial. We will be working in Swift 4 and targeting iOS 11. The code for this and all episodes can be found here on github:

In the next episode we will learn how to interact with a basic web service while making a cat button app. Stay tuned and feel free to follow us on Twitter for updates: @brightmediums.

Beginning iOS Programming Episode 5 - Building a Multi-Page Form

In this tutorial you'll learn how to build a multi-page form. This project will teach you how to handle text input from users, share data between view controllers and display validation errors using UIAlertController. 

You will need XCode 9 for this tutorial. We will be working in Swift 4 and targeting iOS 11. The code for this and all episodes can be found here on github:

In the next episode we will learn how to interact with a basic web service while making a cat button app. Stay tuned and feel free to follow us on Twitter for updates: @brightmediums.

Beginning iOS Programming Episode 4 - 2 Different Ways to Build a Primary Navigation

In this episode you'll learn how to build two types of primary navigation (navs) that you will find in all the most popular apps:

• Tab Bar Nav

• Table View Nav

This will introduce you to using navigation controllers, titleviews, static table views, tinting icons in image views and where to find free, high quality icons to use in your apps.

In the next episode we will learn how to pass data between controllers. Stay tuned and feel free to follow us on Twitter for updates: @brightmediums.

Beginning iOS Programming Episode 3 - MVC - Your First Data Model

In this episode you'll learn about MVC (Model View Controller) architecture. We'll continue with the Elements tableview app from episode 2, so make sure to watch it first. You'll learn:

  • The difference between models, views and controllers
  • How to create a model
  • What the "!" means on class properties
  • The difference between a class and an instance method and how to create them
  • Working with arrays using a for loop and .map
  • Using NSNumbers

You can download the code from this episode here.

In the next episode we will create 2 styles of primary navigation used in all the most popular apps. Stay tuned and feel free to follow us on Twitter for updates: @brightmediums.

Beginning iOS Programming Episode 2 - Working with TableViews, Arrays and Dictionaries

In this episode we will be building a list of the periodic table of the elements using a tableview.

Specifically you will learn how to:

  • work with table views and table view controllers
  • use arrays and dictionaries
  • customize table view cells

In the next episode we will add a drill down to a detail screen. Stay tuned and feel free to follow us on Twitter for updates: @brightmediums.

Beginning iOS Programming Episode 1 - Intro to XCode and iOS Programming

In this episode we will be building a basic button-based app that toggles the background between light and dark.

Specifically you will learn:

  • How to navigate around XCode
  • Adding elements to a view and view controller
  • Connecting elements from interface builder (storyboard) to code

In the next episode we will build a list of the elements in the periodic table while working with table views and table view controllers. Stay tuned and feel free to follow us on Twitter for updates: @brightmediums.